
ARCANA HEART 3 LOVE MAX SIX STARS!!!!!! | 2D fighting game

Created by EXAMU Inc.

The unique 2D fighting game action of the Arcana Heart series continues with this latest edition English port to PC on Steam.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goals & New Characters
almost 7 years ago – Sun, Jul 16, 2017 at 05:26:35 PM


Hello Everyone!

Thank you all again for your enthusiasm and support! In just 4 days you got us to our initial goal for the Steam port of SixStarS!!!!!! Now it is on to the stretch goals!

Stretch Goals


Paracelsia the Arcana of Life

Meeting this stretch goal will add the ultimate hidden boss of the Arcana Heart series, Paracelsia, as a selectable Arcana. As part of this stretch goal, the game will also undergo a full re-balancing.

The new Arcana and characters will be included in the $25 reward on up once the stretch goals have been met. After the Kickstarter finishes the additional characters and Arcana are planned to be made available as paid DLC.

Arcana Heart: New Character Introduction


Code Name: Shark Girl

Shark Girl was created from an amalgamation of marine creatures using a shark as a base body. Able to transform her body at will, her movements are very deceptive. She will no doubt be fun to play. Just look at her!

It was Paracelsia the Arcana of Life, who brought Shark Girl into existence, and is planned to appear as Shark Girl's Arcana.

Code Name: Dark Heart

Dressed in all black, she wears a school cap tipped down low that bears a heart insignia. Wielding a short and long sword, she fights double bladed. Deep inside her, she harbors a strong hatred for Heart Aino.

Her Arcana is the Love Prison Geist.

Code Name: Omega

An Angel whose power was too great to be released, Omega remained sealed away from time long ago. In her heart resides the 24th and ultimate Arcana--Omega.

Omega is planned as a boss character in the World Extinction story line.


Concerning the many stretch goal requests you have sent us, we first want to thank you very much for your lovely ideas. We will be looking into them all with the different members of our team so we can make the best game possible. It is our fullest intention to produce the game with you the backers in mind, so we please ask for your continued support throughout.  

In our next update will be announcing new rewards and reward upgrades, so please be on the lookout!













サメをベースに様々な水棲生物を組み合わせて生み出したホムンクルス 体を自在に変化させ、トリッキーな戦い方をする 契約聖霊は命のアルカナ『パラセルシア』  


主人公の『愛乃はぁと』に強い敵意を抱いている黒衣の聖女 長剣と短剣、二つの武器を持ち、二刀流で戦う 契約聖霊は『愛獄のガイスト』  


強大すぎる聖霊力ゆえに長い間、封印されていた聖女 心臓には24番目にして究極のアルカナ「オメガ」が宿っている 『オメガ』は新シナリオ「世界滅亡編」のボスキャラクターとして登場予定  




Thank You to the MAX!!!!!!
almost 7 years ago – Sat, Jul 15, 2017 at 12:18:21 PM


Greetings Everyone!

Thanks to your energetic call to arms, we have reached our goal to port SixStarS!!!!!! to Steam!

So that means we are on to the new characters stretch goal. All of the new characters will be uniquely distinct and will not disappoint. 

We are now in the middle of the announcement prep work and will have the reveal this week, so please hold on a little longer. 

Thank you all again! We hope we can count on your Max Love throughout the campaign!




みなさんからの熱いエールで、早くもスチーム移植のゴールを達成することが出 来ました!  

さて、次のゴールは新キャラクターの追加となります。 いずれも、個性的で期待を裏切らないキャラクターになっています。  

今週中には発表できるよう、準備を進めていますので、いましばらくお待ちくだ さい。